Water treatment
Water treatment
Water is the main medium of a humidifier. The quality of the water largely determines the life of the equipment, the frequency of service and also the hygiene of the supplied humidification in all cases. There are many ways of water treatment methods, each with its specific characteristics and applications. In principle, the rule applies to humidification: “The cleaner the water, the lower the maintenance costs.”
Which method is used where?
– Water softening: for all humidifiers with a decent capacity and where the incoming water has a German hardness above 8 dh. In addition, it reduces the maintenance costs of a reverse osmosis water filter system.
– Sediment filtration: for all humidifiers. Prevents clogging and clogging.
– UF/Legionella filtration: for all humidification modes, except steam humidifiers.
– Reverse osmosis water filtration: can in principle be used for any humidifier. Is required for ultrasonic and nebulizing humidifiers.
– UVC water disinfection lamps: for all types. Mandatory on adiabatic humidifiers, in some applications